BIAS: Built Environment Institute for Applied Studies – Africa and the Middle East
Habitat for Humanity Egypt – Affordable Housing Strategy 2021-2026
Lina Fel Madina | Animated Series
Emergency Tennant Support During the Corona Crisis in Egypt | April-July 2020
The Built Environment Observatory
Local Area Development Plan (LADP): Participatory Planning in Unplanned Areas (Matareya + Bulaq el Dakrour)
Built Environment Deprivation Index
Ramlet Bulaq: Social and Urban Transformations
Built Environment Archive
We work with deprived communities throughout Egypt with a focus on those in informal areas, rural and peri-urban villages, and historic urban cores.
We produce a range of participatory action plans, from recommendations to full outline plans based on;
Mapping assets, needs
Negotiation between stakeholders
Consensus building among stakeholders